I do likes mondays

It is said that there are different degrees of hell – I do not know if it’s true? But I know at +30 degrees Celsius, the snow melts away. I also know that at the same temperature, the coffee does not taste as good anymore and a Guinness at those grades is basically undrinkable. When a person’s body temperature reaches 30 degrees, it is not so good – unconsciousness occurs at the same time, and it is doubtful if the laundry going to be clean at 30. But I finally have understand when it is 30 degrees into the air and in the water, it is most pleasent to live. I strongly suspect that it was in that conditions people were meant to live for …

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Besides that we were hanging in the shade and ate lots of food and one on another pina colada, so ventured ourselves to a short walk around the corner. It was Monday here at Davids Beach Hotel, three days before the end of the year … and I am so happy to be alive 🙂

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